Regulations about open International adventure race «Kolchaka?s Gold»
I. Purpose and missions:
Competitions are being held with the purpose of further development of adventure races in the Krasnoyarsk territory.
Competitions address the following missions:
— Promote a healthy way of life
— Involve wide layers of the population in physical training, sports and tourism
— Finding the internal reserves of a person in extreme conditions
— Preparation of multisportsmen for participation in the largest Russian and International adventure races.
II. Terms and place of event:
Open International adventure race «Kolchaka?s Gold» will be held on august 12-13, 2006. The race route will pass picturesque places Obi — Yenisei channel in the West of Krasnoyarsk region. Participants reach Krasnoyarsk independently, on august 11. At 07.00, the bus departs up to Yeniseisk (travel time is 6 hours), then further by plane to Bezymynka. Further on cross-country vehicles up to the lock, Nalimny (Starting Point).
III. Participants of competitions:
Participation in the open Russian championship adventure races are teams consisting of three people (two men and one woman), 18 years and up. They must be in good physical condition and have trained for the event. They must have a signed document from a certified doctor and a document agreeing to personally bear all responsibility for their own life and health.
The number of teams is limited to 10.
IV. The program of competitions and rules of event:
Arrival to Krasnoyarsk on august, 10
On august 11- departure up to a place of start, on august 12- start, on august 13- finish. On august 14 departure from Krasnoyarsk. Open international adventure race «Kolchaka?s Gold» includes continuous alternation of various kinds of sports. Rough extent of a route of 100 km (time of the leader — 48 hours).
1. The sequence of stages
1.1. Starting place — lock Nalimny.
1.2 Teams move on a route of competitions with constant changing of stages. The sequence of stages is established by a judicial brigade.
1.3. The route of a stage is marked on the map given out to teams before the start.
1.4. After the end of the bicycle stage, teams will leave bicycles in a specially equipped and secure area.
1.5. In the center of competitions a special area where participants can leave part of personal equipment will be allocated.
1.6. Marking at the Control Place is carried out either by card punch, or by the on site controller or by writing the answer on a card to questions located on the map legend.
1.7. The sequence of stages will be written in the map legend.
1.8. Division of a team is forbidden. All time during competitions participants should move together. Division of participants of more than 100 meters conducts disqualification of a team from the competitions. Exception of this rule is at those stages where by rules separate passage of a stage by participants is required.
1.9. Teams are obliged to give medical aid to their own team. In critical cases when it is necessary to use the emergency radio with organizers (for qualified medical aid). Each participant independently decides whether to break or continue the race. After consultation of a doctor, race organizers have the right to disallow continuation of a team race.
1.10. Teams are obligated to help in critical situations if they are asked by other teams requiring help.
1.11. Any external help is forbidden to participants of competitions. Participants pass a distance, relying exclusively on their own power. Non-observance of this condition results in immediate disqualification.
1.12. It is required for participants of competitions to follow all instructions of the judicial brigade, controllers at the Control Places and independent observers. Non-observance of this condition results in automatic disqualification of a team from competitions.
1.13. After crossing the finishing line the team hands over command cards to Organizers. Teams, for any reasons deciding to not continue the race, should inform as soon as possible the head judge of race.
1.14. Organizers of race reserve the right to change the sequence and duration of stages during race.
2. Disciplines of race
2.1. The disciplines included in race:
— Run / Orienteering
— Biking / Orienteering
— Rope work;
— Shooting
— Rowing
— Swimming
— Secret disciplines.
2.2. Run. During this stage contestants move through partially broken terrain with an undeveloped road system. More difficult terrain with significant difference of heights is possible.
2.3. The stage of classical orienteering is a sprint (up to 5 km.). The route will be through difficult terrain and marshland. For navigating the route, maps will be given out to teams.
2.4. For the bicycle orienteering stage, teams will overcome a route set on the taiga and bogs. Instructions for locating the Control Place will be located in the map legend.
All contestants are required to wear a helmet.
2.5. At the Mountain bike (biking) stage, an obstacle course ( swing, bridge, etc.).
2.6. At the Rope Work stage, contestants reach the Control Place using ropes given by a judicial brigade. At this stage the following tasks are possible: fording, free climbing with judges assistance, rope descent and rope assent. For this whole stage, all team members must always wear helmets. Participants will follow all instructions of the controllers at the given stage.
2.7. The Shooting stage will be completed using small caliber rifles or hunting rifles.
2.8. The Rowing stage will take place on open water using a 2 person kayak or an alternative means offered by the organizers. All participants should wear life jackets, and helmets.
2.9. The Swimming stage will take place in an open reservoir.
3.0. The Secret Disciplines represent simple tasks locating the Control Place using obligatory equipment available to teams.
3. Equipment
3.1. Obligatory team equipment:
— Contestant number to be given by the Organizers *
— Three bicycles
— Three helmets *
— Compass *
— Water canteens of at least 1 liter *
— Rucksack or backpack *
— Maps given by organizers *
— First-aid (bandage, iodine, anesthetic) *
— Mosquito net
3.2. The equipment marked *, should be with the teams at all times for the duration of the event.
3.3. Teams which are missing even 1 obligatory item will not be permitted to start the race. Equipment check will be done at registration.
— A complete set of spare clothes and footwear
— A water-proof cover or a package for maps and legends
— Bicycle repair kit and spare tubes and tires
— Mittens or gloves for rope work
— Food and water for the duration of the race
— A bag for storage of replaceable clothes, water and food in a starting zone
— A stock of food for 1 day
— Ointment from mosquitoes and midges and other insects
3.5. Forbidden equipment.
— Any kind of transportation, except that specified by organizers;
— GPS.
3.7. Conditions for renting and a list of equipment which can be rented from the organizers of the race for the duration of the competition will be accessible on the site of the Championship.
3.8. Teams will provide their own food and water for the duration of the race.
4. Safety of participants of the Championship
4.1. Participants of the Championship bear personal responsibility for their safety during competitions. During registration all contestants must sign a liability waiver.
4.2. Participants will follow all instructions from controllers at Control Points and independent observers.
4.3. Organizers reserve the right to stop a team from continuing the competition if the physical condition of a contestant of a team causes serious fears and can damage the contestants? health.
4.4. All participants will be insured from accidents included in the entry fee.
5. Control time
5.1. At a pre-start briefing, intermediate control time for one of stages will be declared.
6. Disqualification from competitions.
6.1. Teams can be disqualified from competitions in the following cases:
— Non-observance of requirements of controllers and the observers serving competitions
— Absence of even one item from the list of obligatory equipment
— Using any unauthorized transportation
— Division of a team of more than on 100 meters
— Not completing all Control Places
— Infringement of sports ethics (not assisting other teams), or an obstacle to other teams in overcoming a distance
— Absence of obligatory means of safety at passage of corresponding stages
— Non-observance of requirements on accommodation of numbers of participants and symbols of sponsors
— Using physical help from spectators of the race
— Using GPS.
7. Numbers of participants and accommodation of symbols of sponsors of competitions
7.1. Competitor numbers which will be given prior to the start will be worn for the entire competition. Numbers should be always worn on a top of other clothes of the participant. Non-observance of this rule conducts to automatic disqualification of a team from the Championship.
7.2. Except for numbers, sponsor symbols will be placed on the equipment and clothes of the participants. For the placing of symbols participants should follow instructions of the representative of the Organizing committee responsible for accommodation of symbols. Non-observance of the given condition also conducts to automatic disqualification of a command team from the Championship.
7.3. The teams using financial support from foreign organizations, can place their symbols in the places which have been not occupied under numbers and symbols of sponsors of competitions under the condition of the coordination with representatives of the organizing committee.
V. A manual of carrying out of competitions:
The general manual of preparation and carrying out of the open International adventure race «Kolchaka?s Gold»: administration of the Emelyanov area; travel agency «Crown of Siberia»; federation of multisports and adventure races of the Krasnoyarsk territory ; Central administrative board of physical training and sports of administration of the city of Krasnoyarsk. Direct carrying out of the Championship is carried out with the main judiciary board authorized by Central administrative board on physical training and sports of administration of city of Krasnoyarsk.
Official site of race: , e-mail:
VI. Definition of teams of winners and rewarding:
Winners and prize-winners of the Championship will be determined by the quickest time spent for overcoming of a distance, under condition of finding all Control Places and finishing with all team members.
The team awarded 1st place is awarded three ingots of gold (worth a total sum of 100 thousand rubles) for 2nd and 3rd places, awards are diplomas, medals and other valuable prizes.
VII. Conditions of reception and financing:
The charges connected to preparation and carrying out open it is carried out due to a starting payment and sponsor’s means.
The charges connected to sending of teams (travel up to Krasnoyarsk, meal in ways, accommodation to Krasnoyarsk, a entry fee) carry sending organizations.
Payment of a entry fee is made until august, 1 to the Company «Crown of Siberia» by bank.
The entry fee: 3 thousand rubles from the person.
The entry fee includes:
— Transportation from Krasnoyarsk up to lock Nalimny (starting place and back up to Krasnoyarsk);
— Residing on a transit zone ( breakfast and a supper on august, 12-13)
VIII. Applications
Nominal applications, under the established form can be mailed to the main judiciary board at the address: Krasnoyarsk, 660130, p.o. box 22203
For nonresident participants: e-mail:
The application form
For participation in the open adventure race
From a team ________________
Team Name Region Name, Surname,middle Date of a birth Passport Information
Home address, Tel. # Categories, ranks, victories, over what kinds of sports Insurance beneficiary
For team questions, address the main secretary of the adventure race
tel. (3912) 586848 or e-mail:
The organizing committee of the Championship reserves the right to itself to make changes to the given Regulations.
The present regulations is a call for the Championship!